Package dopal
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Package dopal

DOPAL - DO Python Azureus Library (version 0.60)
    Front-end modules
  • interact: Interactive Python application which initialises DOPAL to connect with a chosen Azureus server.
  • main: Main module for using DOPAL with little effort.
  • scripting: This module is designed to provide an 'environment' that allows small scripts to be written without having to deal with the setting up and exception handling that you would normally have to deal with.
    Core-level modules
  • aztypes: Utilities used to convert basic values between DOPAL and Azureus.
  • core: Contains the main objects and functions required for DOPAL to be useful.
  • debug: Contains functions and objects useful for debugging DOPAL.
  • errors: Module containing all errors defined in DOPAL.
  • utils: General utility functions.
  • xmlutils: XML utility functions.
    Object-level modules
  • classes: Contains basic class definitions for objects - use this module when doing instance checking.
  • class_defs: Defines all constants, variables and methods available on classes in Azureus's plugin API.
  • convert: Contains classes used to convert an XML structure back into an object structure.
  • objects: Defines the object layer framework.
  • obj_impl: Implementation of classes defined by Azureus's plugin API.
  • persistency: Support module containing code which supports the persistency functionality offered by DOPAL.
  • logutils: Module containing various logging-related utilities and classes.

Variable Summary
str __user_agent__: User agent string used by DOPAL when communicating with Azureus.
tuple __version__: DOPAL version as a tuple.
str __version_str__: DOPAL version as a string.

Variable Details


User agent string used by DOPAL when communicating with Azureus.


DOPAL version as a tuple.
(0, 6, 0)                                                              


DOPAL version as a string.

Generated by Epydoc 2.1 on Wed May 03 14:22:33 2006